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Always Check Todays Program!

Friday, 31st

12.00 - 17.00

Arrival of the participants; check in at Horizon Cruise


14.00 - 17.00

City tour Rotterdam from Central Station -

2 hour walking in groups with teacher, headed by Erasmian students


18.30 - 19.30


Walking in groups guided by teachers

Dinner Cantina Erasmiaans Gymnasium Rotterdam


19.45 - 20.00

Welcome by the Presidium

20.00 - 22.30

Inter Cities Expo – ICE Erasmiaans Gymnasium Rotterdam Walking in groups guided by teachers to Horizon Cruise


22.30 - 00.00

Free time

22.15 - 22.45

Teacher meeting

22.15 - 22.45

Chair meeting

Saturday, 1st

dresscode formal

07.00 - 08.30


Breakfast at Horizon Cruise and walking groups to opening guided by teachers


09.30 - 11.00

Aula Erasmiaans Gymnasium

09.00 - 09.30


Arrival guests and delegates EEYP

09.30 - 09.40


Introduction EEYP by presidium and principal - Erasmiaans Gymnasium Rotterdam

09.40 - 10.00

Speech by René Repasi, member of EU Parliament


10.00 - 10.15

Musical Intermezzo by (Hawijch Elders, violin)


10.15 - 10.35

Speech by Jeannette Baljeu,  member of EU Parliament


10.35 - 10.45

Musical Intermezzo by (Hawijch Elders, violin)



Drinks for guests and delegates EEYP Rotterdam 2025



Departure of guests and delegates walking in groups to committee rooms


11.00 -11.15


Committee bonding


13.00 – 13.45


Lunch by committees


13.45 - 17.45


Start committee work

brainstorming, defining the ‘problems’ of their committee


17.45 - 18.30

Walking in groups guided by teachers to Horizon Cruise

19.00 - 20.00

Dinner at Horizon Cruise


20.00 - 21.30

Working in committees

21.30 – 22.00

Teacher meeting/Chair meeting


22.00 - 24.00

Horizon Cruise, Coolhaven Rotterdam

free time

dag 1 en 2

Sunday, 2nd

07.00 - 08.30


Breakfast at Horizon Cruise

Walking tour to Eramiaans Gymnasium Rotterdam guided by teachers


09.15 - 13.00

Working in committees -                                                  research on internet, informal discussions/analyses of the issue


13.00 - 13.30


Lunch by committees


13.30 - 18.00


Working in committees -                                              


research on internet, informal discussions/analyses of the issue


18.00 - 18.30


Walking in groups to Horizon Cruise guided by teachers


19.00 - 20.00


Dinner at Horizon Cruise

20.00 – 21:30


Working in committees

21.30 - 22.00

Teacher meeting/Chair meeting


22.00 - 24.00

Free time

Monday, 3rd

dresscode formal

07.00 - 08.30


Breakfast Horizon Cruise



09.30 – 11.00


Trip through Rotterdam Europort  by boat Horizon Cruise



11.00 – 12.30


Meanwhile: Informal discussions, start writing concept resolution



12.30 - 13.15

Lunch at Horizon Cruise


13.15 - 14.00

 Travel to Millennium Tower; Weena 696 Rotterdam


Working in committees at HAL-Investments and Cool Blue

Preparing questions for ‘Meet the Boss’ guests


17.30 - 18.00


Arrival of EEYP guests

18.00 - 19.15


‘Meet the Boss’ conference


Round table discussions with professionals from different backgrounds and exchange of information in separate rooms


19.15 - 20.00

Dinner at HAL MillenniumTower



20.00 - 21.00

Walking to Horizon in groups guided by teachers

21.15 – 21.45

Teacher meeting/Chair meeting 



22.00 - 24.00

Free time

dag 3 en 4

Tuesday, 4th

dresscode informal

07.00 - 08.30

Breakfast Horizon Cruise

08.30 - 09.30

Walking in groups to EUR guided by teachers                     


09.30 - 12.30

Working in committees -

Finish writing resolutions



12.30 - 13.30


Lunch in restaurant EUR by committees


13.30 - 16.30

Working in committees -

Prepare speeches (opening, attacking, defending, closing)

Prepare Press Conference


16.30 - 17.30

Press Conference

At EUR Forumzaal



17.30 - 18.30


Departure to Horizon Cruise guided by teachers

18.30 - 19.30


Dinner at Horizon Cruise

19.30 - 22.00


Finishing Speeches, preparing General Assembly

22.00 - 00.00


Free Time

22:00 - 22:30


Teacher meeting/Chair meeting

Wednesday, 5th

dresscode formal

07.00 - 08.30

Breakfast Horizon Cruise

08.30 - 09.30

Departure to EUR Woudestein


09.30 - 09.45


General Assembly

At EUR, Forumzaal


09.45 - 10.45

Committee 1

10.45 - 11.45

Committee 2

11.45 - 12.45

Committee 3


12.45 - 13.45



13.45 - 14.45

Committee 4

14.45 - 15.45

Committee 5


15.45 - 16.00

Tea/ Coffee Break


16.00 - 17.00


Committee 6

17.00 - 17.30

Closing Ceremony

Closing speech by prof. dr. Fabian Amtenbrink, Rotterdam School of Law

18.00 - 19.00

Departure to Horizon Cruise guided by teachers

19.15 - 19.30

Dinner at Horizon Cruise

21.30 - 24.00

Farewell party at Horizon Cruise 

dag 5 en 6

Thursday, 6th

07.00 - 08.30

Breakfast Horizon Cruise

09.00 - 10.30


Departure of delegations guided by their teacher(s)

dag 7

Check every hour, maybe we post something new!

Even at night, you never know.

Very important issue
Wick shoots the best pictures
Louk shoots the best pictures
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© All done thanks to Wick Dutilh and Louk Tilanus

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